Thursday, September 15, 2011

Genesis 5

Genesis is a brief chapter layering on top of the end of Genesis 4 following the line of decendants of Adam and Eve. Genesis 4 follows Cain's line but 5 follows Seth's. 

Adam (130)> Seth (105) > Enosh (90) > Kenan ( 70) > Mahalalel (65) > Jared (162) > Enoch (65) > Methuselah (180) > Lamech (182) > Noah (500) > Shem, Ham and Japheth.

In parenthesis are the ages of each man when he fathered his first son. This is a time when people lived to be nine hundred years old. Seth for example died when he was 930. So I thought that years were more like months. If that was the case their ages would look more like this.

Adam (10.83) > Seth (8.75) > Enosh (7.5) > Kenan (5.83)  . . . Noah (41.66)

I'm stumped a bit, this is way to young, even by Biblical standards for men to be fathering and "raising" children, except Noah, who I would imagine probably died before he was 40 if time was counted as it is today. I wonder how elastic their time telling and calenders were. By all accounts though Noah was an old man when he had his children. And assumably elderly before his arc building even began. His sons were men with wives of their own when the arc was built. Then again as someone pointed out to me that it was a different time and perhaps with the absence of pollution and disease these people did live a very very long time.

I did get tangled for a moment in the duplicate names seeing Enoch and Lamech twice, but a re-read cleared that up.  Not a lot of meat to blog about in this chapter of Genesis.


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